
Coldstream Wood Heating Survey    Completion Deadline:  November 30, 2018

Lavington Life Society, with the support of a grant from the District of Coldstream, surveyed Coldstream residents for home heating methods.  Heating with wood can be sustainable. However, it can be unnecessarily harmful to the environment and peoples’ health if appliances are not using modern burn technology and are not CSA-EPA approved. The purpose of the survey was to approximate the number of wood-burning appliances that could be replaced, increase awareness of cleaner burning wood appliances, and guide the delivery of the wood stove exchange program.

The following is a summary of the results of the survey: 4335 leaflets were mailed advertising the survey.  There were a total of 188 responses or 4.3 %.  38% of the respondents reported having wood-burning appliances. Of these, 40% reported using less than 1 cord per year, 38% use no more than 2 cords per year and 17% burn 3-4 cords per pear. 13% of those burning wood use wood as the main source of heat. Of those who use wood as the main source of heat, 61% are CSA-EPA certified. 24% of respondents reported that wood smoke is an issue in their neighbourhood.  The cost of the survey was $2550. District of Coldstream has approved the transfer of the remaining $450 to the 2019 woodstove exchange program.

The questions and responses from the survey can be found at this link: Coldstream Wood Heating Survey(p1-10)

Thanks again to the following businesses who helped to promote the survey.

Back to Earth, 6326 Hwy 6 Coldstream, B.C.

Nijjer Farms, 6171 Hwy 6 Coldstream, B.C.

Zelaney Farms, 5481 Petworth Road, Coldstream, B.C.

Lavington Market (PetroCanada), 6320 Hwy 6, Coldstream, B.C.

Annette’s Bluenose Deli and Coffeehouse, 6342 Hwy 6, Coldstream, B.C.

Friesen’s Farm Market, 9017 Mackie Drive, Coldstream, B.C.

Polish Traditional Farm, Lavington, B.C.

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